Importance of serial dilution in assessing food quality
Importance of serial dilution in assessing food quality

If several workplaces are equipped with partial automation solutions, the necessary redundancy is ensured in the event of problems at one workplace. Thereby the established analytical process usually remains unchanged and there are no high investment costs as well as especially skilled personal needed. This strategy increases the quantity and quality of the output as well as relieves employees of repetitive work for improved well-being and job satisfaction. Mostly those where the speed of execution and the reliability of the results depend on the individual work technique of the technicians.

Importance of serial dilution in assessing food quality full#

Partial automation, as an alternative to full automation, supports technicians by the elimination of repetitive, manually complex work steps.

importance of serial dilution in assessing food quality importance of serial dilution in assessing food quality

If there is no redundancy or no alternative sample processing in the lab, the entire sample throughput can suddenly come to a standstill, with serious consequences for the lab and its customers. Risks of such a singular solution are technical problems and system failures during operation. Accordingly, such costly machines need very high sample throughputs for profitable operation. Sample heterogeneity, many different test parameters and testing itself are a challenge for a full automation solution which includes the following process steps: to weigh the food sample in a stomacher bag, to fill up to ten times the weight with the diluent, to homogenize, to perform a dilution series, to inoculate for pour plates or surface plates, to incubate and to perform plate counts.Ĭomplex high-tech workstations exist which can execute this sequence of very diverse tasks. Increasing work load, cost pressure or lack of qualified personnel makes process optimization and automation an important topic for many microbiological food testing laboratories.

Importance of serial dilution in assessing food quality